let your words HEAL not WOUND.
This is
at more of a personal level of my own opinions, thoughts, and actions. I trust
and put all my love into my wonderful father in heaven, I know for a fact he
listens to me and embraces me in his love and care when i have needed it. My
past is painfull and is filled with memorys and tears over trials no teenager
should be put through. I am stronger than i ever was or have been and i know it,
"anyone can give up. Its the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold on
when everyone understands if you fell apart, thats true strength." Those exact
words are what pushed me to overcome and escape the dark hole i trapped myself
in. You might be thinking im just writing this for attention or just to
have alittle guilt trip or really whatever you want.. But honestly and
truthfully im doing this for me.. im letting go and im doing it publicly becaus
enot only is it helping me get away.. its helping some little girl or boy
somewhere on this world who feels alone. Who feels no one understands.. who
feels that they will never and can never be strong enough to move on from the
darkness and step into this beautiful world we were blessed with, i want to help
them. i want them to know they are strong enough and there is a way out.. even
if its one of the hardest things to acomplish, that they can conquor it. That i
was right were there at too.. and I conqured it because i finally said "i
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